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In a Nutshell – Presentations in the Solutions Hub

solutions Hub

The Solutions Hub focuses on selected key topics in digital healthcare, which DMEA visitors can find out about in a short space of time in the Solutions Hub Sessions.

In 2025, all DMEA exhibitors will once again have the opportunity to present their innovative ideas, products or projects to interested trade visitors as part of the Solutions Hub Sessions on the two DMEA hub areas, in addition to exhibiting at their own stand.
The attention of the target group is not only guaranteed on the program area, there are often further points of contact for personal discussions directly after the respective session.

Join us as an exhibitor at DMEA 2025 and book your presentation slot for one or more Solution Hubs from the beginning of January 2025. It is well worth being quick, as the number of available slots is, as always, limited.

Book your presentation at the Solutions Hub with a 10 % discount until 19. January 2024!


Key Facts of Solutions Hub

  • Selected key topics
  • Free participation for all trade visitors (no registration required)
  • Individual presentations of max. 4 different exhibitors form one thematic session
  • Max. 10 minutes of presentation time per exhibitor
  • Presentation on the program areas _Hub 1 (Hall 1.2) and _Hub 2 (Hall 5.2)

Key Facts of Solutions Hub

  • 11 selected key topics
  • Individual presentations of max. 4 different exhibitors form one thematic session
  • Max. 10 minutes of presentation time per exhibitor
  • Chargeable booking of presentation slots only possible for registered exhibitors of DMEA 2024
  • << 10% Early Bird Bonus until January 19, 2024 >>
    EUR 990 (instead of EUR 1,100) per booking/slot for all registered exhibitors of DMEA 2024
    EUR 540 (instead of EUR 600) per booking/slot for all start-ups, associations or universities registered as exhibitors at DMEA 2024
  • Bookings for all registered exhibitors of DMEA start: January 9, 2024
  • Booking period ends: February 21, 2024
  • On site: Free participation for all trade visitors

Key Topics of the Solutions Hub 2024

Cloud computing already plays a major role in many industries, including healthcare sector. However, health clouds in particular face massive hurdles in terms of data protection and the security of sensitive health data, widespread skepticism among decision-makers and users as well as legal ambiguities and gray areas.

Meanwhile, the potential for improving medical care is immense - from data storage and processing, the provision of computing power or the use of complete user programs.

In this session, we want to show what benefits the cloud in healthcare offers for healthcare processes and how sensitive healthcare data can be secured.

From patient anamnesis to the documentation of illnesses and therapies - as a healthcare system, we collect a huge amount of data every day. This opens up immeasurable potential for improving patient care safely and sustainably.

A prerequisite for the sustainable improvement of care through data-supported developments is the creation of a legally secure framework for the use of data and, not least, the willingness of patients to make sensitive data available for innovations.

At federal level, the Health Data Utilization Act and the Digital Act open up new possibilities for the further use of existing health data.

Stakeholders in the healthcare sector are exposed to the ever-increasing risk of cyber attacks. Not only is the number of attacks increasing rapidly, but also their quality - sometimes with serious consequences.

While the importance of an adequately high level of IT security seems obvious, the legal requirements are sometimes unclear for many players. Operational problems, from staff training to behavior in the event of an actual attack or damage, also remain a challenge.

Here, the players must establish measures to ensure holistic "IT security". At DMEA, we are looking for innovative solutions that support the players and address current obstacles.

Digital health and nursing applications (DiGA/DiPA) are important elements of modern digital healthcare in Germany. They are part of the future electronic healthcare infrastructure. The purpose of digital applications is to stabilize or improve medical and nursing care.

Digital applications are already being used in various areas of healthcare. A distinction must be made between digital health applications (DiGA) and digital nursing applications (DiPA):

DiGAs are digital medical devices of lower (and higher according to the DigiG) risk classes that support insured persons in the treatment of illnesses or the compensation of impairments.

Digital nursing applications (DiPA) are digital applications that are used by people in need of care or their relatives to reduce impairments to their independence or to counteract a worsening of the need for care.

In addition to the large market for service providers, a patient-focused offering is increasingly emerging. This aims to give patients confidence in dealing with their illnesses: Whether dealing with symptoms, correctly assessing and reacting to adverse outbreaks when checking their own vital signs or becoming more actively involved in therapy.

Empowering patients not only improves care and simplifies treatment, but also gives those affected a better quality of life.

Software, tools and other applications that were previously only available to medical and nursing staff will increasingly be used by the patients themselves and electronic patient records will also be in the hands of the patients themselves in the future, with only the patient deciding who has read and write access.

This makes it all the more important to inform patients about the potential and possible dangers so that they can not only handle their own data responsibly, but also gain a better understanding of their own health.

Fast and beneficial documentation, more efficient care and administrative processes or better communication with the interdisciplinary team (e.g. doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, pharmacies, etc.) are just a few examples of what the digitalization of care promises.

The aim is to relieve the burden on care recipients, their relatives and the caregivers themselves, as well as to increase the self-determination and participation in social life of care recipients.

It has not only been decided that 15,000 outpatient and 15,000 inpatient care facilities will be connected to the TI from July 1, 2025, telecare, care robotics, digital documentation and assistance systems or AI in care, among other things, will increasingly find their way into the care landscape.

All of this makes the digitalization of nursing care one of the most dynamic and relevant fields of the future. At this Solution Hub, we would like to highlight the opportunities and challenges of digitalization in care and what still needs to be done to make it a success.

In order to achieve interoperability in healthcare and research in Germany, the use of international standards is required.

Syntactic standards (e.g. FHIR) and semantic standards (e.g. SNOMED CT and LOINC) enable structured and therefore reusable data exchange in various areas.

Solutions that work with these standards can therefore offer added value for healthcare, research and administration.

Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and algorithms have been on everyone's lips for years in the context of the digitalization of the healthcare sector and have also been omnipresent in the media, at the latest due to the debates surrounding chat GPT.

Beyond marketing promises, the new processes have already found their way into everyday medical practice in many areas, whether for clinical decision support or for use by patients.

Many current use cases sounded like science fiction a few years ago - but the future is now, and the potential of artificial intelligence in all areas of care can hardly be overestimated.

An interoperable integration of various medical technology and health IT systems is key to improving everyday healthcare. Systems for automated data collection and transmission, IT-supported capacity and process optimization or telemedicine applications in both clinical and outpatient settings have become indispensable.

Patients also contribute to the improvement of their own care and the care of the general public by independently collecting health data. Patients must therefore be taken into account in the networking process, not only to increase acceptance, but also to emphasize their own responsibility.

Are you an exhibiting software manufacturer or IT service provider in the healthcare sector - but do not find yourself in the key topics of the Solutions Hub 2024? Then we offer you the opportunity to present your product and/or service in this broad-based session.

Telemedicine methods are being used increasingly widely in patient care in Germany - this was particularly evident during the Covid-19 pandemic. An overcrowded waiting room or a long journey to the GP surgery may become a relic of the past.

Telemedicine is where medical services can be offered over a physical distance. Practitioners and patients, but also practitioners among themselves, can use digital applications such as apps, video services or teleconsultation platforms with the help of information and communication technology to communicate with each other and improve treatment.

Booking period for exhibitors

  • Bookings possible for registered exhibitors of DMEA 2024: January 9, 2024
  • General booking deadline is February 21, 2024, 11:59 pm
  • Due to the limited number of available presentation slots, selected topics may already be fully booked prior to the general booking deadline. The allocation of the individual presentation slots will take place after the booking deadline. Please also be aware of the particular terms of participation for this participatory format.

Booking period for exhibitors

Bookings can be placed from January 2025. Further details will follow shortly.

Open Q&A sessions for the Solutions Hub

For all interested parties, we are offering free digital Q&A sessions for you to find out everything you need to know about this format and to ask us your questions during the live session:

  • Q&A Session: Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 11:00 a.m. (Join us via Zoom)
  • Q&A Session: Thursday, January 25, 2024, 10:00 a.m. (Join us via Zoom)
  • Q&A Session: Wednesday, February 7, 2024, 10:00 a.m. (Join us via Zoom)


Always there for you:
Your Team DMEA

Timm-Joel Ruwwe
T +49 (0) 151 5439 4139

All Important Information at a Glance

In October, we will publish the congress themes for DMEA 2025.

The DMEA program will be published on the DMEA online platform in early 2025.

Whether congress, Guided Tours or Solutions Hub - DMEA exhibitors have a variety of opportunities to help shape the DMEA program.

You can find all the information here.

As a visitor, you can also actively participate in the programme, for example in the tours, in panels, pitches or in the seminars.

You can read more about this here.

The DMEA ticket gives you access to all DMEA program content except the seminars. You will need a separate ticket for these.

You can book our tickets conveniently online (from the beginning of January 2025) via the DMEA ticket shop.

For a review of the DMEA 2024 program, please see the DMEA online platform

DMEA Marketing Services

The DMEA program will take place at various locations on the exhibition grounds

  • _Stage A in Hall 5.2
  • _Stage B in Hall 6.2
  • _Box in Hall 4.2 and Hall 5.2
  • _Hubs in Hall 1.2 and Hall 6.2

as well as at some of our new RFecharge & Networking Spots