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Conditions of participation of bvitg Service GmbH for the DMEA nova Award

DMEA nova Award

The DMEA nova Award is presented to startups with particularly visionary and convincing ideas and solutions that decisively transform and advance the digitalization of the healthcare sector.

The DMEA nova Award is sponsored and presented by the Bundesverband Gesundheits-IT - bvitg e. V. (hereinafter referred to as “bvitg e. V.”) and its subsidiary bvitg Service GmbH. The organizer of the competition is bvitg Service GmbH, Markgrafenstr. 56, 10117 Berlin, Germany (hereinafter referred to as "bsg").

Startups wishing to apply for the DMEA nova Award must register with bsg on the DMEA booking portal (hereinafter referred to as the "portal") and submit their application via the portal. By registering on the portal, the applicant agrees to these conditions of participation.

1. Objective

Digital healthcare startups are more than just emerging companies; they are creative forges that bridge the gap between traditional medical practices and cutting-edge technology. The disruptive nature of startups is helping to challenge outdated structures and make healthcare more agile, accessible and efficient - to create a connected healthcare landscape where patients, doctors and other stakeholders are connected like never before.

The DMEA nova Award gives digital health startups the opportunity to present groundbreaking ideas and disruptive solutions for digital healthcare. It also creates valuable networking opportunities for startups to get in direct contact with potential partners, investors and customers from the industry at and after the DMEA.

2. Application conditions

2.1 Free application for all startups that were founded no more than 5 years ago at the time of application.

2.2 Any startup that is an exhibitor at the "Startups & Innovation" area of the DMEA can apply via the open Call for Ideas. Other startups can participate once in the application process and, if nominated, in the event. Subsequent applications will not be considered.

2.3 Multiple applications are not possible; each startup will be given one opportunity to apply for a pitch on a selected key topic at the DMEA.

2.4 Participation in the competition is free of charge and voluntary.

3. Registration on the portal and application

3.1 It is mandatory to provide the data marked with an asterisk (*) in the portal, as it is required by the bsg to decide on the application and to carry out the competition and the DMEA.

3.2 All applications will be stored on the portal, even if they are not accepted. The bsg uses this data for the planning of future DMEA events, for example, to contact rejected applicants for future events or to determine whether applicants have already applied for the DMEA nova Award at an earlier date. Applicants agree to this procedure by submitting their application.

If the applicant does not wish to do so, he/she can request the non-deletion or deletion of the submitted applications or the entire portal user account by sending an e-mail to This has no influence on the transfer of rights of use with regard to already awarded applications, which is irrevocable (see § 9 of these conditions of participation).

3.3 If the submitted entry has been accepted by the bsg for the DMEA, the applicant is obliged to provide the services specified in these conditions of participation.

4. Application procedure and deadlines

4.1 The key topics of the DMEA nova Award will be announced on the DMEA website.

4.2 Applications are possible from January 21, 2025 for all startups that meet the application requirements (see §2 of these conditions of participation). The closing date for entries is February 18, 2025, 11:59 pm. The nominated startups will be informed by March 19, 2025 and must provide bsg with a final pitch deck by March 28, 2025, 11:59 pm at the latest.

4.3 The application period is binding, subsequent applications will not be considered.

4.4 All submissions must be sent to the bsg exclusively via the portal. Once the application has been uploaded, it can still be processed until the application deadline.

4.5 The bsg reserves the right to reject submissions at its own discretion if the title and/or description do not match the specified topic.

5. Determination of the award winner

5.1 The DMEA nova Award will be presented at the DMEA - Connecting Digital Health from April 8-10, 2025 in Berlin.

5.2 The DMEA nova Award is a multi-part format in which, after the application phase ("Call for Ideas"), an expert jury will first evaluate the submitted abstracts and nominate selected startups for the DMEA. All submitted abstracts will be evaluated according to the following criteria and weighting:

  • Question / need: 15%
  • Solution approach: 30%
  • Relevance to the key topic: 30%
  • Market opportunities: 15%
  • Credibility: 10%

5.3 The nominated startups will first present their pitches to the expert jury and the expert audience at DMEA Berlin in thematically bundled sessions in order to determine one finalist per thematic focus ("preliminaries”). The finalists determined in this way will then compete against each other in the Final Session to convince the expert jury and the expert audience of their ideas and solutions with their final pitches.

5.4 The startup that receives the most votes in the Final Session will receive the DMEA nova Award. The independent and final decisions of the expert jury cannot be contested. Legal recourse is excluded.

6. Formal requirements for the contributions (abstract / pitch deck)

6.1 When formulating and structuring the abstract, the separate guidelines to the abstract structure (PDF, 115.6 kB)must be taken into account.

6.2 Startups that have been nominated for the DMEA nova Award sessions at DMEA will create their own pitch deck, which they will present to a jury of experts and visitors at DMEA. They will make this available to the bsg in advance via an upload link provided by the bsg, but no later than March 28, 2025, 11:59 p.m.

6.3 The type of design of the contribution is basically free, but the time limit of the allocated slot must be observed: The presentation may not last longer than 5 minutes and may otherwise be terminated by the bsg.

6.4 The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the entry, presentation and/or logo do not infringe any third-party rights (e.g. copyrights). The indemnification obligation pursuant to Section 19.1 must be observed.

6.5 bsg also reserves the right to interrupt, abbreviate or terminate contributions if this is necessary for important reasons. This is the case, for example, if contributions do not correspond to the agreed topic, infringe the rights of third parties, are illegal or contain discriminatory content or the speaker is obviously not sufficiently qualified to speak in front of a specialist audience.

Likewise, contributions may be rejected if they do not correspond to the specified key topic or possibly damage the image of the bsg, the bvitg e.V. or the DMEA. In this case, the bsg reserves the right to exclude the entire entry from the current competition. Notification of exclusion will be sent separately.

7. Course of the DMEA nova sessions - your contribution

7.1 A session lasts a maximum of 45 minutes in the preliminary rounds; there are five slots per session. The final session, including the award ceremony, lasts 60 minutes and comprises four slots. If the entry is to be supported by additional material, including the pitch deck, the applicant is responsible for ensuring that the material is available to the organizer in a standard format in good time (see § 4.2 of these conditions of participation). Delays for which you are responsible may result in the allotted presentation time being shortened accordingly.

7.2 The sequence of the session (i.e. the order of the contributions in the respective session) will be determined by the bsg after the application deadline and is independent of the time of application.

8. Image and sound recordings

8.1 The bsg, the bvitg e. V. and Messe Berlin GmbH will record and archive events and contributions for the purposes of DMEA program documentation in whole or in part in film, image and sound and, if necessary, use them in the following manner:

  • Transmission as livestream as well as public provision for download on an online platform of Messe Berlin GmbH as well as on the DMEA homepage.
  • Publication on YouTube.
  • Use for public communication measures of Messe Berlin GmbH, bsg or bvitg e. V. in connection with the DMEA (e.g. website, social media, print media).
  • For editorial reporting as part of their public relations work in their own and third-party print and digital media.
  • Forwarding to press representatives for the purpose of reporting on the DMEA.

8.2 There is no obligation on the part of bsg, bvitg e. V. and Messe Berlin GmbH and no entitlement on your part to the use shown.

9. Rights of use

9.1 All applicants grant bsg all rights necessary for the fulfillment of this agreement. This includes, in particular, the use of their logo, name, title and abstract and/or photos of the applicants to present the finalists in event-related print and digital products as well as the use of the image and sound recordings described under § 8.

9.2 The granting of rights is irrevocable, unlimited in time and place and transferable and includes in particular the right to edit, reproduce, distribute and make publicly accessible the presentation, CV, photo and image and sound recordings.

9.3 bsg will respect personal rights when using the material.

10. Remuneration

Applicants will not receive any remuneration or reimbursement of expenses for participating in the competition. Startups nominated for the DMEA respectively their speakers will receive a permanent ticket for DMEA 2025. No further remuneration is envisaged.

11. Prize money

11.1 The DMEA nova Award is endowed with the DMEA nova Prize Kit with a total value of EUR 7,500. The DMEA nova Prize Kit will be awarded to the startup that emerges from the final session as the winner of the competition.

11.2 The DMEA nova Prize Kit consists of prize money in the amount of EUR 2,500, which will be transferred by bsg to the prize winner within eight weeks of the event. For this purpose, the award winner will be contacted by the organizer and asked to provide bank details.

11.3 The DMEA nova Prize Kit also consists of a media package worth EUR 5,000. This media package will be booked by bsg for the winner with our media partner. The choice of media partner is at the discretion of bsg. The media package (or the right to call up the media package) cannot be transferred to third parties by the winner. Payment of the media package in cash is not possible. The contractual processing relationship for the media package is between the media partner and the winner. The media package shall be called up subject to availability at the media partner.

11.4 The media package must be claimed by the winner within six months of the announcement of the allocation of the prize. If no call-up has been made by then, the winner's claim shall expire. In this case, the right to call up the media services from the media package shall pass to bsg at its free availability via the media package.

12. Premature termination of the competition

If there is good cause, the bsg reserves the right to interrupt or terminate the competition without prior notice. An important reason exists, for example, if the proper execution of the competition can no longer be guaranteed for technical or legal reasons. Applicants shall have no claims against the bsg in the event of interruption or premature termination of the competition.

13. Legal consequences in the event of a breach of the terms of participation

Individual applicants, participating persons or their entries may be excluded from participation, in particular if there is a violation of the conditions of participation or attempted manipulation. In this case, the bsg reserves the right to take legal action, in particular if third parties file claims against the bsg due to legal violations. Prize money can also be subsequently withdrawn and reclaimed in the event of a breach of the conditions of participation. Applicants have no claims against the bsg in the event of exclusion.

14. Use of third parties

The bsg may use third parties at its own discretion and transfer the rights necessary for the fulfillment of its tasks to them. The bsg alone remains responsible to them for such third parties.

15. Cancellation of the event

Messe Berlin GmbH is entitled to cancel or postpone an event if the venue is closed/disrupted or for reasons of force majeure. In this case, bsg will inform the applicant immediately. Claims for reimbursement of expenses are excluded in the event of timely event cancellation. Cancellation shall in any case be deemed timely if it is announced at least two weeks before the event.

16. Personal absence

If an applicant is unable or unwilling to attend the booked slot on the day of the event or if the scheduled speaker is unable to attend, the applicant must inform the bsg as soon as possible by e-mail to so that the course of the session is not impeded.

Furthermore, in the latter case, we ask that the applicant (after consultation with the bsg) endeavor to find a replacement speaker. The bsg reserves the right to cancel the contribution if no adequate replacement can be found. Reimbursement of any expenses is excluded.

17. Newsletter

Applicants agree to receive occasional information about future DMEA events from us at the e-mail address provided. You can object to receiving such emails at any time free of charge, either via the link in the respective email or by sending a message to the email address

18. Data protection notification

Please take note of the separate supplementary data protection notification.

19. Liability

19.1. Regarding the participating entry, the presentation and the logo used, the applicant(s) shall indemnify the bsg, the bvitg e. V. and Messe Berlin GmbH against all third-party claims based on an infringement of copyrights or other third-party rights for which they are responsible.

19.2. The bsg shall be liable without limitation for intentional or grossly negligent conduct as well as for culpable injury to life, limb or health, in cases of fraudulent intent, in the event of the assumption of a guarantee or in the event of claims under the Product Liability Act.

19.3. In case of simple negligence bsg shall only be liable for the violation of cardinal obligations. A cardinal obligation is an obligation the fulfillment of which makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place and on the fulfillment of which the other party may rely. In the event of negligent breach of a cardinal obligation, the liability of bsg shall be limited to the compensation of foreseeable and typical damages.

20. Place of jurisdiction and place of performance, applicable law

20.1. As far as legally permissible, Berlin shall be agreed as the place of performance and jurisdiction.

20.2. German law shall apply to the exclusion of the conflict of laws and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

21. Final provisions

21.1. Should individual clauses of these Terms of Participation be wholly or partially invalid or should the contract contain a loophole, the validity of the remaining contractual clauses or parts of these clauses shall remain unaffected. The invalid or missing provisions shall be replaced by the relevant statutory provisions.

21.2. Amendments to these Terms of Participation (including this written form clause) must be made in text form.

(Status: January 2025)


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The DMEA Team

Timm-Joel Ruwwe
T +49 30 206 2258-55