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Exhibition Highlight DGN & medisign: Ready for ePA & more

In order to be able to use new e-health applications such as digital patient records and electronic prescriptions, medical practices and clinics must be connected to the German telematics infrastructure (TI). One of the key components is the institutional security module card (SMC-B). As a qualified Trust Service Provider medisign provides various healthcare institutions with these cards, which are produced in the DGN Trustcenter. Health professional cards (eHBA), which can be used to digitally sign e-prescriptions and other documents in a legally binding manner, are also available for various healthcare professional groups. At the trade fair, medisign will show how clinics and care facilities can carry out the mandatory identity verification of applicants conveniently on site. The DGN subsidiary S3 Praxiscomputer will be demonstrating live at the trade fair how the ePA can be integrated into the practice management system in a smart and user-friendly manner.
DGN Deutsches Gesundheitsnetz Service GmbH | medisign GmbH
Kaarst, Germany
Hall 1.2, Booth D-106
Contact: Katja Chalupka
Phone: +49-2131-7753198
Internet: |