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Interviews with Gold Partners 2019

Interviews with Goldpartners

With the Digitalization, the Clinical Care Processes for the Health Care System Are Moving More and More into the Center of Attention.

Leading representatives of the Health IT Industry, who were Gold Partners in 2019, provide information on key topics in their respective companies.

To the Interviews

Winfried Post, General Manager and Managing Director Agfa HealthCare GmbH DACH
Winfried Post, General Manager and Managing Director Agfa HealthCare GmbH DACH

Agfa HealthCare: Modernizing hospital IT with active patient involvement

The future of clinic information systems is modular, the basic technology web-based, and the patient is no longer just an object of documentation, but is instead an active subject in a digitally integrated care scenario. At Agfa HealthCare this transformation of clinic IT is not only spelt out but is being applied in practice, according to Winfried Post, General Manager and CEO DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). Visitors of DMEA 2019 will be able to see this for themselves. 

Interview with Winfried Post (PDF, 264.3 kB)

Press photo Winfried Post (JPG, 314.5 kB)

 Stefan Radatz, general manager for Central and Eastern Europe
Stefan Radatz, general manager for Central and Eastern Europe

Cerner: Mastering the next steps of digitalization by using smarter care

Germany has woken up to the subject of digitalization. Do you think it was the German government’s initiatives, legal requirements, or the realization that IT can be helpful in overcoming obstacles, which led to a rising awareness?In any case, hospitals increasingly invest in IT. Stefan Radatz, general manager for Central and Eastern Europe, and now also general manager of Cerner Germany, advises to keep making investments even in challenging times.

Interview Stefan Radatz (PDF, 419.7 kB)

Foto Stefan Radatz (JPG, 310.9 kB)

ID GmbH & Co. KGaA: André Sander, Head of software development at ID Information und Dokumentation im Gesundheitswesen
ID GmbH & Co. KGaA: André Sander, Head of software development at ID Information und Dokumentation im Gesundheitswesen

ID GmbH & Co. KGaA: Terminology server soon to be market-ready

At DMEA 2019, ID is going to place the spotlight on its terminology server.Applications such as clinical context coding (ID CCC) or AMTS checks are already reducing the amount of work on hospital staff and are increasing patient safety.However, that is not all: André Sander, head of software development at ID and management board member, is convinced that terminology servers will make deep-learning algorithms, currently a much-debated topic, ready for use in the practical nursing environment.

Interview André Sander (PDF, 269.7 kB)

Foto André Sander (JPG, 190.6 kB)

Matthias Meierhofer, CEO MEIERHOFER AG
Matthias Meierhofer, CEO MEIERHOFER AG

MEIERHOFER AG: Rollout to clinic groups: All houses think along!

Developing information systems for hospitals and rehabilitation clinics is one thing, rolling them out efficiently and to the satisfaction of all in clinic groups is another. Matthias Meierhofer, founder and CEO of Meierhofer AG, knows what makes a rollout specialist. At DMEA 2019, the company will be demonstrating how IT solutions for acute medicine and rehabilitation can be interlinked and how intensive care units can cooperate digitally.

Interview with Matthias Meierhofer (PDF, 262.7 kB)

Press photo Matthias Meierhofer (JPG, 6.3 MB)

Jens Naumann, CEO medatixx GmbH & Co. KG
Jens Naumann, CEO medatixx GmbH & Co. KG

Versatile and multitalented: Software for medical offices and outpatient clinics

Outpatient care cases are on the rise in German hospitals. Therefore, it is ever more important to use an outpatient clinic software that is fit for a multitude of integrational scenarios. In addition, Jens Naumann, CEO of medatixx – a leading expert on software for medical offices and medical service centers as well as outpatient clinics, describes one more priority mission for DMEA 2019: integrating electronic patient records – a particularly hot political potato at the moment.

Interview Jens Naumann (PDF, 338.8 kB)

Foto Jens Naumann (JPG, 182.6 kB)

Mark Düsener, Head of Telekom Healthcare Solutions
Mark Düsener, Head of Telekom Healthcare Solutions

Telekom Healthcare Solutions GmbH: An integrative approach to file infrastructure and telemedicine

Connecting the healthcare industry still revolves too much around islands of care provision. For this reason, Deutsche Telekom is focusing on digitally integrated care provision at the DMEA 2019. Mark Düsener, Head of Telekom Healthcare Solutions, looks ahead to the DMEA and explains why telemedicine, telematics infrastructure, and hospital IT have to go hand in hand.

Interview Mark Düsener (PDF, 344.7 kB)

Foto Mark Düsener (JPG, 342.1 kB)

CompuGroup Medical SE: Uwe Eibich, CGM board member and head of the Telematics and eHealth Platforms segment
Uwe Eibich, CGM board member and head of the Telematics and eHealth Platforms segment

CompuGroup Medical SE: Integrating telematics applications into health care services

CompuGroup Medical SE (CGM) will focus its presence at DMEA 2019 on connecting doctors' practices, hospitals and not least patients to the secure telematics infrastructure of the German health care system as well as on the practical deployment of the first medical telematics applications – in addition to new tools and mobility functions for hospital information systems. Uwe Eibich, CGM board member and head of the Telematics and eHealth Platforms segment, is also putting a spotlight on interoperability

Interview with Uwe Eibich (PDF, 264.7 kB)

Foto Uwe Eibich (JPG, 171.1 kB)

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  • We provide photos of the relevant company members which may be used for publication.

Leading Representatives
of Health IT Inform.

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