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Digital Guided Tours at DMEA 2021

Digital Guided Tours - 14 Virtual Tours at DMEA 2021
The Digital Guided Tours will provide interested trade visitors with information about products, projects and services as part of a virtual tour on on a total of 14 selected key topics.
They will be pre-recorded and made available online to interested viewers from May 25, 2021 as exclusive on-demand content in the form of virtual tours.
Key Facts on the Digital Guided Tours
- Virtual visit to five companies (per tour), nominated by a jury of experts
- Presentation time per company: max. 5 minutes
- Regular duration per tour: max. 30 minutes
The 14 topics of the DMEA 2021 Digital Guided Tours
For many diseases drug prescriptions are part of the standard treatment procedure. Their success is dependent on many factors.
In addition to administration of the correct medical agent, factors such as the right dosage as well as side effects, reciprocal effects and many other considerations must be taken into account. This is an area where digitalization can help those who issue prescriptions, nursing staff and patients to enable them to maintain control.
Digital solutions can support all phases of treatment in every sector and improve communications between everyone involved. Examples of specific applications include eMedication plans, ePrescriptions and AMTS-Checks (safe treatment plan software).
Keywords: AVTS, AMTS, Safe Drug Prescription Plan, Safe Drug Treatment Plan, Digital Solutions, Checks
Although only some hospitals are officially a "critical infrastructure," ultimately all hospitals must establish an appropriately high level of IT security. In this context, the following questions are often of central importance:
- How does one establish holistic "IT security" in a hospital?
- What requirements does the legislature place on clinical IT security?
- How can an appropriate awareness of IT security be created among all those involved?
- How do you train employees who actually have other tasks and have far too little time available just to fulfill their tasks in patient care?
- How can a cyberattack be detected early, contained and continued with parts of the IT infrastructure in such a way that patient care is not jeopardized?
Organizational measures are essential to address these questions, but they must be supported by appropriate technical means. Innovative solutions for establishing IT security must keep these issues in mind and offer solutions for dealing with them.
Keywords: Data Protection, Security, Operation, Infrastructure, Digitalization, Cloud
In 2020 digital health applications were the big innovation being offered by statutory health insurances. They can now be medically prescribed and patients are financially covered.
This has the beneficial effect of incentivising patients to deal with diseases in a positive way. Digital health applications provide support that is not confined to a doctor’s surgery. They offer tangible medical benefits and improve patient-related procedures. They are also approved technically, in respect of data usage and as a medical product.
In addition to digital health applications other mobile solutions exist which currently are mainly available on the secondary health market.
This is where innovations from the field of wearables and sensors can be found, as well as communication solutions for connecting everyone involved in the medical, nursing, pharmaceutical and patient-oriented environment. The market is noteworthy for its speed, which is boosting the development of innovative solutions and new approaches.
Keywords: Digitale Health Applications, DiGA, Mobile Health, Apps, Wearables
From the exchange of expert knowledge between doctors to coordination within a hospital and patient care: Good communication is essential, especially in the health sector. Since extremely sensitive data is sometimes exchanged, data protection and security are of the utmost importance.
On this Digital Guided Tour, communication solutions and systems will be presented that enable effective and secure networking along the supply chain.
Keywords: Digital Communication, Solutions, Healthcare, Networking, Supply Chain
New ideas, disruptive concepts, digital offerings - the digitization of healthcare creates room for innovation.
This Digital Guided Tour aims to present companies, products and services that are already driving tomorrow's digital transformation today and clearly distinguish themselves from existing solutions and approaches with their reorganization, redesign and compelling novelty value.
Keywords: Digital Health, Innovation, Digital Transformation, Novelty
In the context of patient empowerment, the position of patients should be improved through information, participation and co-decision-making with regard to their health.
Patients are already occupying an increasingly active role and are involved in the medical care process, from prevention, diagnostics and treatment to after-care and nursing. This raises their expectations, resulting in patients wanting to have greater influence on their personal healthcare, including through digital applications, e.g. apps. At the same time the range of applications and ways in which patients can participate are growing constantly.
This Digital Guided Tour will highlight how technological innovations are giving patients more digital control over their healthcare and how these solutions can be effectively incorporated into healthcare overall so as to benefit the patient.
Keywords: Digital Patient, Patient Empowerment, Co-decision, Participation, Care Process, Digital Health Applications, Apps, Healthcare Delivery
Healthcare institutions, in particular hospitals, have long been concerned with basic alternatives to paper-based archiving of patient files. Digital archiving systems have meanwhile been installed in more than half of German hospitals - and the trend is rising.
Reasons for this can be found in the fact that the document and data stocks in the individual computer-aided application systems, the data volume of the imaging devices and the scope of the scanned documents reach such volumes that the data, documents and images must be transferred to digital archiving systems for reasons of rationalization and economy and are thus available there centrally for access over a long period of time for treatment reasons and in accordance with the legal archiving obligations.
The basis of archiving is the documentation that is necessary for various reasons. This is characterized by a large variety of applications in the areas of patient care and research. Medical classification systems such as classifications and nomenclatures are indispensable for the evaluation and further processing of data, as is the increased transition from unstructured documentation to coded documentation. Quality assurance, big data, data warehouse, data integration centres and information retrieval have also become very important in documentation.
During this Digital Guided Tour, innovative computer-aided documentation systems as well as the status quo of digital archiving will be presented, and future options will be demonstrated.
Keywords: Digitalization, Documentation, Archiving, Archiving Systems, Economization Patient Care, Medical Filing Systems
Digitalization in medical care and nursing care is moving forward apace, not least due to lawmakers’ recent initiatives. Two prominent examples are the Patient Data Protection Act (PDSG) and the Digital Healthcare Modernization Act (DVPMG).
The many new possibilities this results in create huge opportunities for improving medical care. At the same this situation confronts those who stand to benefit most from the digital transformation, i.e. primarily patients and healthcare workers, with a barely comprehensible range of applications.
This Digital Guided Tour presents practical solutions and highlights the specific benefits that digital medicine and healthcare can provide for everyone involved.
Keywords: Digitalization, Digital Medicine, Telemedicine, Healthcare, Modernization, Digital Transformation, Digital Patient
Modern healthcare technology and software systems have huge potential: for integrating those requiring medical care and their family members, for noticeably reducing the burden on care workers, for improving care and admin processes and for creating a more attractive and modern working environment.
At the same time the market for care software, sensor systems and smart care aids is growing constantly. It follows that digitalization in nursing care is one of the most dynamic and fascinating fields of the future.
Make use of this Digital Guided Tour and show us fascinating applications and innovative products that offer an insight into digital nursing care, both now and in the future.
Keywords: Nursing Care, Digitaliization, Digital Care, Care Delivery, Software, Systems
At last, all medical data in collected form – patients in particular benefit from the electronic patient record. However, a patient’s medical history is also of use service providers. It lets them adjust treatment processes and develop safer medication.
2021 marks a major milestone in the legally supported electronic patient record. Thus, in early January 2021 statutory health insurances introduced the electronic patient record, and is to be developed further step by step. There are other solutions too, besides those of the statutory health insurance system.
This Digital Guided Tour aims to provide an overview of the various electronic file solutions.
Keywords: Digitalization, Electronic Patient Record, Patient Data
Due to the pressure to be able to communicate across facilities and sectors, to support mobile and cloud based applications and to create interoperability in the shortest time possible, the first Draft Standard for Trial Use of the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard of HL7 Germany is published in 2014.
FHIR is an open source standard that combines the strengths of HL7 Version 2, 3 and CDA. In addition, FHIR uses the advantages of modern web technologies such as XML and JSON and enables a fast-electronic exchange and a simple standardized implementation of data from the health sector through a REST defined Application Programming Interface. In America, FHIR is already a very popular standard, which is already very well received in the healthcare sector. In Germany, the standard is also becoming more and more popular and is applied more frequently.
Manufacturers for the German market (StartUps and established service providers) are invited and requested in particular to showcase in this Digital Guided Tour where and how they use FHIR for new interfaces and applications.
Keywords: FHIR, HL7, Interoperability, Standard, Interfaces, Exchange, Applications
AI is a much talked-about subject. It is key to improving efficiency and realizing smart and self-teaching assistance systems at every stage of the value chain in the healthcare system.
Be it efforts to improve health awareness and avoid diseases or to improve systems supporting doctors and medical staff, AI-based applications have already arrived in day-to-day healthcare and some areas would be unimaginable without them.
During this Digital Guided Tour you can find out how AI-based systems have already made a lasting improvement in medical care and what the prospects are for this technology.
Keywords: Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Assistance Systems, Systems, Value Chain, Day-to-Day Healthcare
Medical technology and systems for healthcare IT are becoming increasingly integrated in practice. Automatic transmission of measured values, control of processes and workflows or planning of capacities and maintenance intervals are among the requirements in more and more hospitals and medical practices. In addition, there are telemedical applications and medical data collected by the patient himself, which are to be integrated into the care.
Interoperability between medical technology and healthcare IT is thus becoming increasingly important for the everyday care.
This Digital Guided Tour will present exemplary solutions for the integration of medical technology and health IT in the application areas mentioned above.
Keywords: Medical Technology, Healthcare IT, Interoperability, Controlling, Processes, Telemedicine, Digital Applications, Everyday Care
High-quality care - this is what everyone involved in the healthcare system is looking for.. Despite this, quality assurance processes are often regarded as a burden, mainly because of the bureaucracy this entails. With the help of software solutions, this ever-increasing amount of documentation, which is becoming more and more complex, can be implemented in a less time-consuming and user-friendly manner. In this way, fully digitalized QS processes are easier to incorporate into everyday treatment scenarios and provide rapid feedback. This technical aid helps to ensure high quality treatment, and with it successful and trouble-free medical and nursing care.
Keywords: Quality Management, Knowledge Management, Quality Assurance, Processes, Documentation, Software Solutions, Systems, Day-to-day care
Final selection
will be announced
mid of March 2021
General Information
Timm-Joel Ruwwe
T +49 30 2062258-55
Important Documents
Conditions of Participation (PDF, 164.9 kB)
General Data Protection Regulation (PDF, 126.7 kB)
Speakers Declaration of Consent (PDF, 78.0 kB)
Overview on Topics of Digital Guided Tours (PDF, 170.7 kB)