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Exhibition Highlight x-tention: Overall IT solutions

At the top it says x-tention, below that the company's offerings such as cybersecurity and data science, and at the bottom the hall and stand number.


As one of the leading total solution providers in the healthcare IT market, x-tention is playing a decisive role in the digital transformation of the healthcare sector. With a clear focus on innovation and quality, x-tention offers technologies that actively involve patients and make the exchange of information between patients and service providers more efficient. The goals of our customers and partners always take centre stage, and our experienced team develops tailor-made solutions for them. Find out more about our solutions in the areas of Cybersecurity, Data Science, Interoperability Platform, MACH Hybrid Integration, Managed Services, Patient & Provider Portal and TI-Messenger.

x-tention Informationstechnologie GmbH
Wels, Austria
Hall 4.2, Booth B-105

Contact: Christin Bär