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Exhibition Highlight Saatmann: Quality Intelligence via Connected Data!

On the left, a healthcare professional sits at a monitor, on the right it says, among other things: We are shaping the digital future of your quality assurance with you!

QA software from SAATMANN

The SAATMANN product family offers you a customised overall solution for mapping complex processes and workflows in the field of quality assurance and management.

The Saatmann Leitstand Qualität is our platform for integrated data and information management. The applications QSFFx-, StrOPS- and, in the near future, Leistungsgruppen-Manager provide you with building blocks for an increasingly proactive and preventative quality management. And this is precisely the aim of the ongoing expansion of the control centre: synergy creation, resource savings and optimised workflows from the comprehensive and targeted control of structural, process and result quality in your company!

Quality. Hospital. SAATMANN!

Saatmann GmbH | Qualitätssicherung im Gesundheitswesen
Worms, Germany
Hall 3.2, Booth C-103

Contact: Walter Cabrini
Phone: +49-6241-50655895