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Exhibition Highlight Nexus: Focus Future, Next IS-H, Smart Solutions

Graphic: Nexus AG
With the KHZG, the foundations have been laid - now it's time to create digital added value. At NEXUS, visitors experience pioneering innovations: From the cross-portfolio AI platform to research projects, smart evaluations and FHIR applications to the documentation of tomorrow.
SAP has recognized that billing cannot be separated from the core processes in hospitals - and is going to discontinue IS-H. NEXUS offers a modular system based on an interoperable platform. Billing and patient management are optimally integrated into the clinical processes right from the start. As standardized as possible, as individual as necessary. NEXUS supports implementation projects with many years of experience and expertise.
And how can processes be significantly improved?
Accelerate documentation by 80% with NEXUS / ADVANCED REPORTING,
Optimize reporting and communication in the complete DIAGNOSTICS platform or
Integrate patients into treatment more efficiently with the NEXUS / PORTAL.
These are just a few of the smart solutions from the NEXUS portfolio that make processes in your hospital 80% faster, better and more efficient.
Donaueschingen, Deutschland
Halle 1.2, Stand A-103, A-101
Contact: Daniel Heine, Head of Sales
Phone: +49 69 583004200