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Exhibition Highlight netgo: Information security for the healthcare sector

netgo group: Backup outsourcing in the cloud
Cyber-attacks have been on the rise for years, and healthcare facilities are a popular target. Permadental, one of the leading German providers of high-quality dentures, has therefore decided to implement an additional backup outsourcing to the cloud together with netgo, so that a backup is available at all times in the event of an emergency. We at netgo look forward to finding the right IT security solution for you, too. Meet us at DMEA at booth E-103, hall 2.2. Be sure to arrange a booth appointment with us. Also, don't miss the exhibition tour about "Cloud in the healthcare sector" that we will contribute to (April 10, 2024, 1:30 pm - 2:15 pm).
netgo group GmbH
Borken, Germany
Hall 2.2, Booth E-103
Contact: Laura Lindziński, Senior Marketing Manager
Phone: +49-2861-808476176