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Exhibition Highlight: d.velop connected healthcare

In the picture a male nurse and message “d.velop connected healthcare: digital networking of healthcare and administrative data'


d.velop connected healthcare enables efficient working with all digital content in the hospital - be it documents, images or data. This enables a holistic view of patients and improved collaboration. The central archiving of all content from medicine and administration is possible both on-premises and natively from the secure cloud. Content from a wide range of source systems is integrated using standardized and manufacturer-specific interfaces and made available via open interfaces. Based on the ISiK-compliant (Information Technology Systems in Hospitals) interfaces, important information can be retrieved directly from d.velop connected healthcare. d.velop is one of the first manufacturers to be certified as compliant with the ISiK document exchange module at level 3. With the powerful process engine, this content can then be easily integrated into automated processes. Documents, images and data become knowledge.

d.velop AG
Gescher, Germany
Hall 3.2, Booth A-102

Contact: Christian Wolf
Phone: +49-171-9120015