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Exhibition Highlight CGI Deutschland: Telematics infrastructure as a service

CGI Deutschland: Tobias Leipold, Vice President CGI - Health Industry Lead Central Europe, Germany & Scandinavia, Electronic Prescription Development, TI Specialist
Digitalization in healthcare and medicine is picking up speed. The new regulatory principles of gematik, which the companies and providers involved are implementing in close cooperation, are paving the way for this. A stable, scalable and resilient platform for the telematics infrastructure, which smoothly integrates the new digital services such as e-prescription or KIM and networks all players, is indispensable for this. CGI presents a scalable TI gateway solution as Software-as-a-Service that comprehensively integrates all services with a service portal. Experience the CGI TI Gateway and the integrated services, also AI-based, at DMEA - at booth E-112 in hall 1.2.
CGI Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany
Hall 1.2, Booth E-112
Contact: Meike Schridde, Marketing & Communication
Phone: +49-175-4319488