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Exhibition Highlight Capgemini: Intelligent Solutions for Health

A doctor (right) explains a finding to a patient (left) on a tablet. On the left it says: Get the future you want.


Capgemini supports the healthcare industry with innovative, scalable solutions to shape the future of healthcare. We look forward to inspiring discussions on:

• Data hubs: How are smart, connected data platforms helping healthcare stakeholders make better decisions?
• Future health: How do data-driven and evidence-based approaches contribute to patient-centered and sustainable care?
• Generative AI: How do we unlock the value of generative AI, e.g. in terms of personalized healthcare offerings, precise diagnostics or reducing the workload of healthcare professionals?
• Cloud: How do we create a secure infrastructure that is fit for the future?

Berlin, Germany
Hall 4.2, Booth B-101

Contact: Peggy Schmoll