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Exhibition Highlight Bundesdruckerei: TI Remote Signature

The TI remote signature with sign-me on a desktop or mobile phone

Bundesdruckerei: Digital signing of documents

Holders of an electronic health professional card (eHBA) can already sign documents in the telematics infrastructure. Mandatory requirements: An eHBA, your PIN and a card reader. In future, the D-Trust eIDAS-compliant remote signature solution will also be available within the telematics infrastructure. This will enable qualified electronic signature (QES) without the need for cards and card readers within the HIS/PVS for triggering e-prescriptions and eAUs or for signing the e-physician's letter. The TI remote signature is an essential component of LISA (Digitale Leistungserbringeridentität). Come and find out more at our booth - we look forward to speaking with you!

Bundesdruckerei Gruppe GmbH
Berlin, Germany
Hall 1.2, Booth B-113

Contact: Liv Randewig
Phone: +49-30-2593910