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Become DMEA Careers Partner

Karr partner

Actively network with young professionals!

As a career partner, we offer you great visibility as an employer in the field of digital health promotion before and during the DMEA. Take advantage of the exclusive opportunity to network with graduates and students and discover young talent directly.

They also support the DMEA Young Talent Award, which honors the best bachelor's and master's theses in the field of e-health every year.

Take the opportunity to present yourself as an attractive employer and introduce your company to the next generation of skilled workers.

Your advantages:

  • High visibility as a company that promotes young talent
  • Opportunity to network with graduates and students
  • Presentation as an attractive employer
  • Support for the DMEA Young Talent Award
  • Attract young talent to your company
  • Expansion of networks and professional exchange

Secure one of the exclusive places as a Career Partner 2025!

Booking start: October 2024

Career Partner DMEA 2024

Our career partners 2024 introduce themselves:


Always there for you:
Your DMEA team

Melanie Winter
M+49 175 7417260