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Cooperation Partners

BVMI e. V.
The German Medical Informatics Professional Association (BVMI) is based in Heidelberg and was founded in 1983. It is a registered association with more than 600 full, associated, student and supporting members.
Members are individuals with the relevant training or who work on a permanent basis in the field of medical computer science.
A number of representative offices have been created in other German federal states over the years. These carry out the association’s tasks in the various regions with activities including local information sessions and professional development events.
GMDS e. V.
The German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS) was founded in 1955. It is the only collective medical science society for medical informatics, medical biometrics, epidemiology and medical documentation and currently has more than 1,900 members.
With participation of:
KH-IT e. V.
The German Association of Hospital IT Managers (KH-IT), based in Landau (postal code 76829), was formed in 2003 from the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Krankenhaus-EDV-Leiter/innen (German Hospital Data Processing Directors’ Association), founded in December 1996. The association takes influence on conditions of practical hospital IT and strengthens the IT managers in their contribution to the successful development of the company.
The Chief Information Officers - Universitätsklinika (CIO-UK) promotes cooperation and best practice sharing between the computer centres at German university hospitals. It develops recommendations on information processing at university hospitals and represents the interests of the institutions concerned.