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Dear Sir or Madam,

DMEA 2025 opens its doors in Berlin in four weeks' time. We would like to invite you to the following exciting topics:

  • Download the DMEA App Now
  • The DMEA Hall Plan is Online
  • Reminder: Business Meetings - Register Now
  • International Exhibitors at DMEA

Secure your DMEA ticket now and enjoy three days of Digital Health!

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Enjoy reading! The DMEA-Team

DMEA 2025 App and DMEA Online Platform - a Successful Duo

Newsletter Mockup
For an optimal preparation and visitor experience, we provide you with two valuable digital tools: our event platform DMEA Online Platform and the DMEA App.

With the DMEA online platform, you can prepare your DMEA visit from the comfort of your workplace. The app is your convenient companion at DMEA.


Interactive Hall Plan for Your Trade Fair Preparations

interaktiver plan
The DMEA hall plan for Halls 1.2 to 6.2 is online: Plan your personal DMEA tour now and see who will be there in 2025.

Discover our six program areas and the recharge areas for “refueling”, networking and snacking!

DMEA hall plan

DMEA Business Meetings - Register Now!

Business Meeting
The Enterprise Europe Network Berlin-Brandenburg invites you to participate in the international partnering event “DMEA Business Meetings” taking place at DMEA (9 April 2025).

This partnering platform offers an opportunity to meet potential partners for new business and R&D projects. Participation is free of charge.

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International Pavilions and Exhibitors

Norway Pavillon
Again, various nations present their innovative digital healthcare solutions at DMEA.

We are looking forward to welcome pavilions fromSwitzerland, Austria, The Netherlands, France, Poland, Finland, Norway and Denmark and exhibitors and startups from about 30 different countries.

learn more internationals

DMEA 2025 Industrial Partners

Partnerlogos 2025

Follow us on Social Media

Let your contacts on LinkedIn and Youtube know that you will be there.

DMEA Newsletter is a joint project by Messe Berlin GmbH (DMEA-Team) and bvitg Service GmbH (BSG).